Steinbeis Europa Zentrum - NEWBITS

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Intelligente Transportsysteme werden immer wichtiger. Dieses Video stellt die Innovationsplattform NEWBITS vor.

Hier das Origial-Transkript:

Intelligent transport systems are an issue everyone is talking about…

Cooperative Collision avoidance,

real time traffic information,

and optimisation of parking areas

are all close at hand.

However, that’s just the tip of the iceberg – the potentials are far from being exhausted.

Experts from all over Europe have therefore set the objective

to share, discuss and further develop

the present findings on market deployment of relevant existing applications and services

on a single platform:


“New Business Models for Intelligent Transport Systems”

Together, we will:

· Gain insights and draw conclusions based on consolidated usage and statistical data from completed and ongoing projects.

Develop new business models providing a more efficient and quicker market entry for intelligent transport systems.

Come and join the NEWBITS-Network and make your contribution.